Top 10 New Year's Resolutions

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Skin, Hair, Health & Nature

New year is almost near and we are eagerly waiting to celebrate it. But Yes let us make this new year more grateful for us and as well as nature. Most of us will be setting resolutions for life but here are some Top 10 New Year’s resolutions for Skin, Hair, Health & Nature.  Let us keep the new year solution smooth and peaceful.

Top 10 New Year’s resolutions for Skin, Hair, Health & Nature

1.Let us follow simple skin care routine

Our skin is also important as much as our health so let us keep our skin care routine simple. I mean let us use natural products which are good for skin and nature. Most of the skin care brands are using plenty of chemicals in it so let us avoid using them on skin. A small skin care routine like cleansing, moisturising and toning is more than enough to enjoy healthy and happy skin.

2.Let us use home remedies 

Since frog ages ayurveda has been a great remedy for skin and hair. So as much as possible let us use home remedies for our ayurvedic products for skin and hair. Lot of ingredients from your kitchen can help you to enjoy healthy and happy skin and hair.

3.Let us care our hair with right products

Plenty of people are suffering from many hair problems. This year let us promise to use the right product for the right hair types. Instead of wasting a lot of money on luxury brands, use products which are beneficial for hair and scalp.

4.Let us eat healthy

This is the most important new year resolution. Eating healthy food keeps your health healthy. So let us eat healthy food like more green vegetables, fruits and home cooked foods. Also let us say goodbye to oily and junk food. 

5.Let us exercise everyday

At Least 30 to 40 minutes you must exercise. No matter whether you’re working or studying, do not miss exercising daily. Also you can do yoga and medication to keep your mind calm and cool.

6.Let us quit bad habits

Bad habitats might be smoking, drinking or addicting to some other stuff. So let us skin all of these bad habits and stick to good habits like eating the right food, exercising, and meditating. To keep yourself happy you must skip all bad habits.

7.Let us plant trees

A small effort from each one of us can be a great change to the planet. So let us promise to plant more trees and plants in the coming year. Instead of cutting trees let us make our surrounding green and beautiful. 

8.Let us feed and protect animals

Instead of wasting food , let us feed animals. Like our lives, even animals’ lives are important so let us protect animals and feed them with proper food. 

9.Let us help each other

Always try to help needy people . Sharing is caring so whatever is possible from your end try to help needy people and elderly people.

10.Let us stay happy

Being happy can make you live longer, let us smile , and stay happy forever. Also remember to make others happy.

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